
Advancing Bone Health: Training for Phase 2 of the APCO Bone Health QI Project

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The Asia Pacific Consortium on Osteoporosis (APCO) has taken another significant stride in improving osteoporosis care and management with the launch of Phase 2 of the APCO Bone Health Quality Improvement (QI) Audit Project. Building on the success of Phase 1, this initiative continues to utilize APCO’s groundbreaking Bone Health Quality Improvement Toolkit.

Launched in 2021, the APCO Bone Health QI Toolkit serves as a first-of-its-kind resource for clinicians to audit and benchmark their practices against evidence-based standards of care from the APCO Framework. The toolkit aims to standardize and elevate osteoporosis management across the Asia-Pacific region, where ageing populations face a rising burden of fractures due to osteoporosis.

In Phase 1, APCO members audited their clinical practices based on standards 4 and 6 of the APCO Framework. Supported by inVIVO Academy Limited, the project identified gaps in care delivery and recommended targeted interventions. These findings, now published as open access in the Archives of Osteoporosis (read the study here), underscore the urgent need for collaborative efforts to close these care gaps.

Phase 2 of the project takes a dynamic approach using the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) framework. This methodology emphasizes small-scale, iterative improvements, allowing for adjustments before wider implementation. A training session organised by Prof Manju Chandran and conducted by Lisa Sullivan from In Vivo Academy on November 30, 2024, outlined the roadmap for this phase. The training was attended by APCO members and their team members, making for a very robust and interactive session that was enjoyed by all. Key takeaways included:

  • Using the PDSA Cycle: Clinicians were trained on planning targeted interventions, testing them on a small scale, studying the outcomes, and implementing the successful strategies on a broader scale.
  • Case Studies: Examples from global initiatives highlighted actionable strategies for improving osteoporosis care.

This 2-hour session reinforced the importance of collaboration and data utilization in driving tangible improvements in patient outcomes. Phase 2 expands the focus beyond diabetes to other conditions linked to bone loss. The action plan includes:

  • Developing bone health assessment protocols.
  • Training healthcare teams in clinics and hospitals.
  • Conducting follow-up audits to measure progress.
  • Increasing patient education through brochures and digital tools.
  • Leveraging technology, such as electronic medical records, to flag at-risk patients.

The APCO Bone Health QI Toolkit has undergone significant updates, making it even more relevant for clinicians. As highlighted in the blog announcement on September 13, 2024 the toolkit now includes refined metrics and practical guides to streamline care pathways. By integrating evidence-based standards, the toolkit aims to “put a brake on fractures” in the world’s fastest-ageing and most populous region.

Osteoporotic fractures impose a significant health and economic burden, yet the condition often remains underdiagnosed and undertreated. APCO’s initiative represents a beacon of hope to healthcare providers invested in managing patients with osteoporosis, and emphasizes data-driven, patient-centered care to reverse the trend of rapidly increasing fragility fractures worldwide.

Feedback from participants underscores the value of a structured approach to QI initiatives. Phase 1 demonstrated how the APCO Framework’s standards could address gaps in care delivery, and Phase 2 promises to take these improvements further. The emphasis on real-world application of data, combined with robust support systems, ensures that clinicians can drive measurable improvements in osteoporosis care. As Phase 2 progresses, the APCO Bone Health QI Audit Project will continue to unite healthcare providers across the Asia-Pacific region in a shared mission: reducing fractures and enhancing the quality of life for patients with osteoporosis.

Healthcare professionals across the AP region are encouraged to join this movement by accessing the updated APCO Bone Health QI Toolkit and applying its principles in their practices. Together, we can transform osteoporosis care and prevent fractures, ensuring healthier lives for millions across the region.

To learn more about the APCO Bone Health QI Toolkit, click here.

To read the APCO September 13, 2024 blog about the Revamped and Revised APCO Bone Health QI Tool Kit, click here.

APCO members who missed the initial training session are encouraged to access the Phase 1 & 2 training videos. You can email APCO at to request the link to the training videos. The training videos will offer a comprehensive guide to utilizing the APCO Bone Health QI Toolkit effectively. Let’s continue making strides toward better bone health across the region!


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