Disrupting the status quo in osteoporosis management
Disrupting the status quo in osteoporosis management in the Asia Pacific – The Asia Pacific Consortium on Osteoporosis (APCO) and The APCO Framework
The APCO expert video series captures the individual voices of four key APCO members. These members represent the diverse make up of APCO – a unique organisation comprising osteoporosis experts from 19 countries and regions in the Asia Pacific, whose collective ideology crosses political boundaries and barriers.
Each expert reflects on the osteoporosis landscape in their respective country, outlines various efforts underway to address the burden of osteoporosis, and explains how The APCO Framework can be implemented across the region to improve the screening, diagnosis, and management of osteoporosis.
In addition, the Chairperson of APCO, Professor Manju Chandran, reflects on the establishment of APCO and its altruistic intent. The CEO of the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) and APCO Executive Committee Member, Dr Philippe Halbout, discusses the unique perspective the IOF brings to APCO.