Expert gathering to stem bone health crisis in the world’s most populous & fastest ageing region
APCO members proudly ‘Stepping up for bone health’ on World Osteoporosis Day 2022
APCO HCP Education Modules now available in 5 languages, enabling delivery of best practice osteoporosis care throughout the Asia Pacific
Launch of the APCO Bone Health QI Tool Kit & stemming the current osteoporosis crisis in the Asia Pacific – Channel News Asia interview with APCO Chair
The APCO Bone Health QI Tool Kit – Putting a brake on fractures in the world’s most populous & fastest ageing region
Not a Chimera! APCO’s vision of reducing the burden of osteoporosis in the Asia Pacific carried forward to the Americas
APCO making a splash at the world’s largest Bone Health Educational fiesta
A small group of committed citizens trying to change the world – APCO’s General Body Meeting and Congress